Microsoft AZ-600: Configuring and Operating a Hybrid Cloud with Microsoft Azure Stack Hub

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Cursul Microsoft AZ-600: Configuring and Operating a Hybrid Cloud with Microsoft Azure Stack Hub învață administratorii Azure și operatorii Azure Stack Hub cum să facă planificare, deployment, packaging, update și să mențină infrastructura Azure Stack Hub. Studenții ar trebui să fie familiarizați cu virtualization, networking și identity management și să fie obisnuiți să folosească programele specific mediului Azure, precum Cloud Shell și Resource Explorer.

Cui i se adresează?

Cursul se adresează celor interesați să devină Azure Stack Hub operators. Acest rol are responsabilități precup planificare, deployment, packaging, updating și mentenanța infrastructurii Azure Stack Hub. De asemenea, ei oferă resurse cloud și servicii hibride și manageriază infrastructura ca serviciu (IaaS) sau platforma ca serviciu (PaaS).

Ce vei învăța?

În cadrul cursului Microsoft AZ600 – Configuring and Operating a Hybrid Cloud with Microsoft Azure Stack Hub vei învăța operezi infrastructura Azure Stack Hub și să le oferi servicii de cloud end userilor și clienților.

Cerințe preliminare:

Studenții trebuie să dețină experiență anterioară cu sistemele de operare, virtualizare, infrastructura cloud, storage structures și networking:

  • Înțelegere a tehnologiilor de virtualizare on-premises, incluzând VMs și virtual networking.
  • Înțelegere a network configuration, incluzând TCP/IP, Domain Name Systems (DNS), Vitrual private networks (VPNs), firewalls și tehnologii de encryption.
  • Înțelegere a conceptelor de Active Directory, incluzant domains, forests și domain controllers.

Agenda cursului:

Materialele de curs sunt în limba Engleză. Predarea se face în limba Română.

  • Module 1: Azure Stack Hub

Azure Stack Hub runs apps in an on-premises environment and delivers Azure services in your datacenter. This module aligns with the exam AZ-600: Configuring and Operating a Hybrid Cloud with Microsoft Azure Stack Hub.

  • Module 2: Manage Azure Stack Hub Marketplace

Azure Stack Hub Marketplace is used to create resources, deploy apps, and choose items. This learning path helps you prepare for Exam AZ-600: Configuring and Operating a Hybrid Cloud with Microsoft Azure Stack Hub.

  • Module 3: Offer an App Services resource provider for Azure Stack Hub

Azure App Service is a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) offering available on Azure Stack Hub. This learning path help you prepare for Exam AZ-600: Configuring and Operating a Hybrid Cloud with Microsoft Azure Stack Hub.

  • Module 4: Offer an Event Hubs resource provider for Azure Stack Hub

Streaming and event-based solutions are supported, for both on-premises and Azure cloud processing. This learning path help you prepare for Exam AZ-600: Configuring and Operating a Hybrid Cloud with Microsoft Azure Stack Hub.

  • Module 5: Manage usage and billing for Azure Stack Hub

Azure Commerce bills you for Azure Stack Hub usage as it bills for Azure usage. This learning path helps you prepare for Exam AZ-600: Configuring and Operating a Hybrid Cloud with Microsoft Azure Stack Hub.

  • Module 6: Prepare for Azure Stack Hub deployment

This module provides the information for Azure Stack Hub deployment including networking, security, and identity. This learning path helps you prepare for Exam AZ-600: Configuring and Operating a Hybrid Cloud with Microsoft Azure Stack Hub.

  • Module 7: Manage infrastructure certificates for Azure Stack Hub

Learn to validate the generated public key infrastructure (PKI) certificates are for pre-deployment of Azure Stack Hub. This module prepares you for Exam AZ-600: Configuring and Operating a Hybrid Cloud with Microsoft Azure Stack Hub.

  • Module 8: Manage Azure Stack Hub registration

Certificates with appropriate DNS names for each Azure Stack Hub public infrastructure endpoint are necessary. This module helps you to prepare for Exam AZ-600: Configuring and Operating a Hybrid Cloud with Microsoft Azure Stack Hub.

  • Module 9: Manage multi-tenancy for Azure Stack Hub

Learn how to configure Azure Stack Hub to allow sign-ins from Azure AD directory tenants. This module helps you to prepare for Exam AZ-600: Configuring and Operating a Hybrid Cloud with Microsoft Azure Stack Hub.

  • Module 10: Manage access for Azure Stack Hub

You configure Azure Stack Hub to support users from multiple Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) tenants. This module helps you prepare for Exam AZ-600: Configuring and Operating a Hybrid Cloud with Microsoft Azure Stack Hub.

  • Module 11: Manage system health on Azure Stack Hub

Use syslog to integrate Azure Stack Hub infrastructure with security solutions already deployed in your datacenter. This module prepares you for Exam AZ-600: Configuring and Operating a Hybrid Cloud with Microsoft Azure Stack Hub.

  • Module 12: Manage usage and billing for Azure Stack Hub

Azure Monitor on Azure Stack Hub provides base-level infrastructure metrics and logs for most services. This module prepares you for Exam AZ-600: Configuring and Operating a Hybrid Cloud with Microsoft Azure Stack Hub.

  • Module 13: Manage capacity for Azure Stack Hub

In this module, you will learn how to manage compute and storage capacity for Azure Stack Hub. This module prepares you for Exam AZ-600: Configuring and Operating a Hybrid Cloud with Microsoft Azure Stack Hub.

  • Module 14: Update infrastructure for Azure Stack Hub

Learn how Azure Stack Hub updates, when to expect releases, and where to find the current release. This module prepares you for Exam AZ-600: Configuring and Operating a Hybrid Cloud with Microsoft Azure Stack Hub.

  • Module 15: Manage Azure Stack Hub by using privileged endpoints

Learn to access the privileged endpoint (PEP) and invoke the restricted set of cmdlets for Azure Stack. This module prepares you for Exam AZ-600: Configuring and Operating a Hybrid Cloud with Microsoft Azure Stack Hub.

  • Module 16: Plan and configure business continuity and disaster recovery

Learn the best practices for deploying and managing Azure Stack Hub to help mitigate data loss. This module prepares you for Exam AZ-600: Configuring and Operating a Hybrid Cloud with Microsoft Azure Stack Hub.

  • Module 17: Offer services for Azure Stack Hub

You configure and deliver offers, plans, and subscriptions as an Azure Stack Hub operator. This learning path helps you prepare for Exam AZ-600: Configuring and Operating a Hybrid Cloud with Microsoft Azure Stack Hub.

  • Module 18: Azure Stack Hub PowerShell

See how resource providers in Azure Stack Hub can be configure with PowerShell to enhance Azure capabilities. This module aligns with the exam AZ-600: Configuring and Operating a Hybrid Cloud with Microsoft Azure Stack Hub.

  • Module 19: Datacenter integration for Azure Stack Hub

For Azure Stack Hub, you apply the same governance to assets in your datacenter as in Azure. This module aligns with the exam AZ-600: Configuring and Operating a Hybrid Cloud with Microsoft Azure Stack Hub

Recomandăm să continui cu:

Programe de certificare

Acest curs îi pregătește pe participanți pentru susținerea examenului AZ-600: Configuring and Operating a Hybrid Cloud with Microsoft Azure Stack Hub și obținerea certificării de Microsoft Certified: Azure Stack Hub Operator Associate.

Microsoft AZ-600: Configuring and Operating a Hybrid Cloud with Microsoft Azure Stack Hub

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Detalii curs




1000 EUR

Modalități de livrare

Predare în clasă, Clasă hibridă, Clasă virtuală

Nivel de specializare

3. Intermediate

Roluri asociate


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