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Spring Fundamentals

Participanți: între 6 și 20 de cursanți
Livrare: live virtual, în limba Engleză
Suport de curs: manual digital

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Cerințe preliminare:

Agenda cursului:

Materialele de curs sunt în limba Engleză. Predarea se face în limba Română.

1) Introduction in Spring Framework 
  • Describe the framework architecture and components 
  • Present the IoC (Inversion of Control) and DI (Dependency Injection) concepts 
2) Spring Core Components 
  • Bean creation, scope and lifecycle  inside the Spring Context 
  • Autowiring (by name, by type, constructor based, setter based, etc) 
  • Configuration ( XML based vs Annotation based ), Spring profiles and property files. 
  • Spring Context Event publishing 
  • Spring Expression language 
3) Spring AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming) 
  • Describe what Aspect programming is and how are aspects and pointcuts defined 
  • Present use cases like logging, transaction etc. 
4) Spring Boot – Things made easier 
  • Describe why it is the most used framework in microservice implementations 
  • Describe the concept of auto-configuration and create custom autoconfiguration 
  • Short presentation of Gradle and Maven build tools. 
  • Demo the Spring Initializer 
5) Spring MVC – Building a Web Application 
  • Describe the MVC pattern 
  • Describe the Http Protocol and Request Methods. 
  • Create a small web application using Thymeleaf as a templating engine. 
  • Provide Internationalization and Location 
  • Error and Exception handling 
6) Persistence layer using Spring JDBC and Spring Data 
  • Examples using Spring JDBC 
  • Present what JPA and ORM framework are, mainly focused on the Hibernate framework. 
  • Present the JPA Repository Interfaces and how Spring generates the required code based on the method’s name 
  • Connect to in memory DB, SQL DB and No-SQL DB 
7) Creating a RESTful API 
  • Create a CRUD example 
  • Present best practices when creating a RESTful API. 
  • Present Spring Data Rest 
  • Present Hypermedia links and HAL browser 
  • Swagger and OpenApi 


8) Spring Test Framework 
  • Present Spring MockMVC 
  • Spring Boot Annotations 

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Spring Fundamentals

Oferte personalizate pentru grupuri de minim 2 persoane

Detalii curs




840 EUR


Clasă virtuală


2. Fundamentals

Oferte personalizate pentru grupuri de minim 2 persoane