Spring Advanced

Acest curs este unul custom, iar în prezent lucrăm la dezvoltarea unei versiuni de curs oficiale.
Pentru mai multe informații privind curriculum, te rugăm să ne scrii pe askformore@bittnet.ro .

Participare: între 6 și 20 de cursanți
Livrare: live virtual, în limba Engleză
Suport de curs: manual digital

Cui i se adresează?

Ce vei învăța?

Cerințe preliminare:

Pentru a putea participa în cadrul acestui curs, studenții trebuie să:

  • aibă cunoștinte despre Spring Framework și Java
  • aibă cunoștințe de bază privind înțelegerea rețelei și Linux

Agenda cursului:

Materialele de curs sunt în limba Engleză. Predarea se face în limba Română.

  • Secure the application using Basic Authentication; consume secured endpoints; define user and roles; store hashed credentials; describe different types of hashing algorithms 
  • Provide method based authorisation 
  • Describe the concepts of OAuth and how JWT tokens are used 
  • Describe the concepts of Single Sign On and provide use cases 
  • Secure the Spring Boot micro service using OAuth 
  • Generate SSL certificates and secure the embedded servlet container 
  • Provide a practical example and hands on laboratory 
  • Describe the concepts of Event Driven Architecture 
  • Present both JMS and AMQP and provide advantages and disadvantages in using them 
  • Describe the JMS Queues, Topics, Durable; Present the publisher – subscriber pattern; Present the difference between  JMS 1.0 and JMS 2.0; Present different types of message brokers; Practical example using Apache ActiveMQ 
  • Describe the AMQP protocol; Describe the RabbitMQ queue – exchanges mechanism and all the exchange types; Practical example using RabbitMQ; 
  • Present the Spring Cloud Stream – High level abstraction over the message brokers   
  • Hands-on lab 
Dockerize Spring Applications 
  • Introduction to containers and Docker
  • Present the Dockerfile and how to wrap a Spring Boot Jar into a Docker Image
  • How to add environment variables to a Spring Docker image so that they will be propagated to the Spring Context
  • Upload the image the a Docker registry
  • Describe concepts of Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment
  • Practical example with hands-on lab
Monitoring Spring Applications 
  • Introduction to Spring Boot Actuator 
  • Present the Spring Boot Actuator Rest Endpoints 
  • Present the Spring Boot Actuator Metrics 
  • Create your own metric and override actuator endpoints 
  • Logging and JMX 
  • Spring Boot Shell – create an interactive shell to connect to the spring boot app 
  • Hands-on lab 
Spring Framework 5 
  • Describe what is new in the latest release of Spring Framework. 
  • Present the Spring WebFlux – alternative tot Spring MVC 
  • Present the Reactive Streams and Reactive programming 
  • Test reactive streams 
  •  Practical examples with hands-on lab 
Spring Cloud microservices – spring wrappers over the Netflix OSS components 
  • Spring Cloud Configuration Server: examples how to push configuration to Spring Boot micro services from a centralised store(like GitHub). Live reloading of configuration. 
  • Spring Could Eureka – Describe what a service discovery is; present alternatives; practical example 
  • Spring Cloud Hystrix – Describe the circuit breaker pattern and its use cases in microservice architecture 
  • Spring Cloud Ribbon – Describe client side load balancing pattern 
  • Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin – Libraries for distributed logging and tracing; present the Zipkin dashboard 
  • Spring Cloud Zuul – Describe the Zuul gateway; present the filtering types and the route table; 
  • Full practical example with all microservice components and a complex hands on lab with all described technologies. 

Recomandăm să continui cu:

Programe de certificare

Spring Advanced

Solicită ofertă personalizată pentru 2 sau mai multe persoane.

Detalii curs




840 EUR

Modalități de livrare

Clasă virtuală

Nivel de specializare

3. Advanced

Solicită ofertă personalizată pentru 2 sau mai multe persoane.