VMware Horizon With View – Fundamentals [v6.0]

In this course you will learn about the main features and components as well as how to install and configure VMware Horizon with View.

Bittnet carries out VMware trainings through authorized partners.

Cui i se adresează?

This course is aimed at anyone interested in learning the fundamentals of Horizon View.

Ce vei învăța?

Upon completion you will know how to:
Diagram the View architecture.
Discuss the key benefits and features of View.
List common View use cases.
List and explain the View components.
List the main View deployment steps.
Explain the View Composer requirements and installation steps.
Discuss the View Connection Server requirements and installation steps.
Outline the process for configuring the View Connection Server.
Describe the tasks for installing a View Security Server.
Explain how View Persona Management is used.
Outline the process for creating and installing a View event database
Outline the process and choices to set up vCenter Server managed desktops
Compare PCoIP and RDP remote display protocol options.
Describe the purpose of the View Agent
List the steps to prepare the virtual desktop before installing View Agent.
Outline the steps necessary to set up an automated pool that uses linked clones.
Describe the process for creating and entitling a linked clone desktop pool.
Discuss how to install and configure View Client.
Describe how View is implemented on Thin Clients.
Explain the importance of virtual printing.
Demonstrate how to log in and navigate in the View Administrator interface.
Describe how information in the Users and Groups page can be used to control and monitor View users.
Create an automated pool.
List the steps to set up RDS hosts
List the steps for using creating application pools.

Cerințe preliminare:

There are no prerequisites for this course.

Agenda cursului:

Materialele de curs sunt în limba Engleză. Predarea se face în limba Română.

Nu există agendă pentru acest curs.

Recomandăm să continui cu:

Nu există cursuri recomandate după finalizarea acestui curs.

Programe de certificare

Nu sunt programe de ceritifcare pentru acest curs.

VMware Horizon With View – Fundamentals [v6.0]

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Detalii curs




La cerere

Modalități de livrare

Predare în clasă, Clasă hibridă, Clasă virtuală

Nivel de specializare

2. Associate

Roluri asociate

Cloud Engineer, Cloud Manager

Solicită ofertă personalizată pentru 2 sau mai multe persoane.