Citrix CNS-301 – NetScaler 10.5 Advanced Implementation

In this course you will gain the knowledge and skills to manage, configure and monitor a Citrix NetScaler 10.5 product.

Cui i se adresează?

This course is aimed at system administrators or network operations personnel who configure and administer Citrix NetScaler products.

Ce vei învăța?

Upon completion you will know how to:

  • Troubleshooting
  • Configuring application security with Citrix Application Firewall
  • Tuning the NetScaler for high-traffic loads
  • Configuring AAA for system management
  • Configuring advanced policies using service callouts
  • Advanced monitoring and management tasks such as configuring and implementing NetScaler Insight Center, Command Center, and
  • NetScaler Web Logging

Cerințe preliminare:

Students need to have:

  • Experience configuring NetScaler systems, including an understanding of services, virtual servers, and policies
  • Experience with network devices, such as routers and switches, various networking protocols, and aspects of application and site architectures (such as DMZs and VLANs)
  • Knowledge of network security threats and site protection concepts such as firewalls, worms, and DDoS attacks
  • Understanding of concepts related to monitoring and management including basics of SNMP
  • Completion of CNS-205 Citrix NetScaler 10.5 Essentials and Networking or related experience

Agenda cursului:

Materialele de curs sunt în limba Engleză. Predarea se face în limba Română.

1. Advanced Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Resources
NetScaler System Overview
nCore Configuration Architecture
Built-In Tools
Third-Party Tools

2. Introducing Application Firewall
Application Attacks
The Benefits of Application Firewall
Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard

3. Profiles and Policies
Engine Settings

4. Regular Expressions
Regular Expressions
Forms of Regular Expressions
Using Regular Expressions
Metacharacters and Literal Characters
Regular Expression Scope

5. Attacks and Protections
Security Checks
HTTPS Web Applications
Buffer Overflow Exploits
Buffer Overflow Protection
Parameter Manipulation
Server Misconfiguration
Deny URL Protection
SQL Injection
HTML SQL Injection Protection
Command Injection
Field Format Protection
Cookie Tampering and Poisoning
Cookie Consistency Protection
Form/Hidden Field Manipulation
Form Field Consistency Protection
Forceful Browsing
Start URLs
Backdoors and Misconfigurations
URL Closure
Identity Theft Attacks
Credit Card Protection
Protecting Credit Cards
Errors Triggering Sensitive Information Leaks
Safe Object Protection

6. Application Firewall Troubleshooting
Application Firewall and Applications
Configuration Issues

7. Queuing and Connection Tuning
HTTP Connections
HTTP Connection Management and NetScaler HTTP Behavior
TCP Buffering
Surge Queue
Surge Protection
Priority Queuing
HTTP Denial-of-Service Protection
IP Rate Limiting

8. Authentication, Authorization, and Auditing
Users, Groups and Command Policies
External Authentication for System Users
AAA for Traffic Management
Audit Logging

9. HTTP Service Callouts
HTTP Callouts
Configuring HTTP Callouts
HTTP Callout Use Cases

10. NetScaler Insight Center

11. Command Center
Command Center Introduction
Command Center Clients
Server Requirements
Port Setting Requirements
Command Center Functionality
Command Center Administration
Command Center Troubleshooting

12. NetScaler Web Logging
NetScaler Web Logging Introduction
NetScaler System Configuration
NSWL Client Installation
NSWL Client Configuration
Troubleshooting Web Logging

Recomandăm să continui cu:

Nu există cursuri recomandate după finalizarea acestui curs.

Programe de certificare

Nu sunt programe de ceritifcare pentru acest curs.

Citrix CNS-301 – NetScaler 10.5 Advanced Implementation

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Detalii curs




1900 EUR

Modalități de livrare

Predare în clasă, Clasă hibridă, Clasă virtuală

Nivel de specializare

4. Expert

Roluri asociate

Enterprise Administrator, Wireless Engineer

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